fAREA + fLENGTH + fPPROP by XANADU (CAD Studio) ----------------------------------------------- Automatically creates text fields (labels) for drawing objects. Label can be created as a new Text object, or a existing Text, MText or Block Attribute object can be selected (modified). fAREA creates an area (acreage) label for the selected polyline object or a region/hatch. fLENGTH creates a length label for the selected line/curve object. fPROP creates a text (property) label for the selected drawing object. With all commands you can use the [S]etup option to set the displayed precision, multiplication/conversion factor and suffix. For fPROP, you can setup the displayed property of the object. You can predefine these parameters with the following LISP variables (set before you start the command): LISP variables: _FAREAPREC (default: LUPREC) - e.g.: (setq _FAREAPREC 2) _FAREAFACTOR (default 1.0) - e.g.: (setq _FAREAFACTOR 0.001) _FAREASUFFIX (default " m2") - e.g.: (setq _FAREASUFFIX " mm2") _FLENGTHPREC (default LUPREC) - e.g.: (setq _FLENGTHPREC 2) _FLENGTHFACTOR (default 1.0) - e.g.: (setq _FLENGTHFACTOR 100.0) _FLENGTHSUFFIX (default " m") - e.g.: (setq _FLENGTHSUFFIX " km") _FPROP (default "Linetype") - e.g.: (setq _FPROP "Material") _fAreaSameLayer (default nil; change label layer to object's): (setq _fAreaSameLayer T) _FAREADS (default: system decimal separator) - e.g.: (setq _FAREADS ",") Versions: V1.9 - added Hyperlinks option for fPROP, small fixes V1.8 - automatic update of the field if FIELDEVAL<16 V1.7 - _FAREADS option V1.6 - block attribute can be used for the label V1.5 - _fAreaSameLayer added V1.4 - fPROP added V1.3 - 64-bit support added V1.2 - fLENGTH added License: fAREA is a free/trial utility by XANADU, do not publish it online on other than XANADU's web servers, do not sell, lend or exchange it. CZ: fAREA je bezplatná utilita firmy XANADU pro zákazníky firmy XANADU ---------------------------------------------------- Contact: XANADU a.s. (CAD Studio) Tylova 17, 370 01 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic info@cadstudio.cz www.cadstudio.cz www.cadforum.cz